About St. Gertrude's
Our vision & mission
Prayer awakens. Justice compels. Compassion acts.
Thy Kingdom come.
Mission Statement
Eager to welcome God’s transforming power in ourselves and our world, we seek God together through monastic profession and respond with our core values: Healing Hospitality, Grateful Simplicity, Creative Peacemaking.
We are a monastic community that follows the ancient Rule of St. Benedict.
Using early Christian communities as our model, we live out the values of praying together, living together, sharing all things in common, and serving the wider community and one another.
We are a Catholic religious community that intentionally manifests Benedictine spirituality in the world. We welcome people of all faiths, richly connected through prayer. We are part of the Monastic Congregation of St. Gertrude, which includes 12 member monasteries of vowed Benedictine women religious and 2 ecumenical monasteries.
We are a community committed to prayer and bringing about the Kingdom of God.
For over 1,500 years Benedictines have lived lives of prayer and service to the world. Our own community has a tradition of stability and a legacy of continual prayer, service and community life for over 130 years. We move into the future knowing that our presence, our ministry, our faith, our prayer witness to the transforming power of a way of life centered on God.
Your sisters in Christ,
The Benedictine Sisters