Spirit Center Retreats

Individual Retreat

Flexible Dates
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
St. Benedict said, “Listen with the ear of your heart.” Why? It is this type of listening that allows the hearing of divine wisdom and inspiration that guides our lives into ever-increasing fullness, peace, and joy. But sometimes the noise and blur of life make that difficult. That is why we offer you the opportunity to come to Spirit Center and listen.

A Sip of Silence

With Spirituality Ministry Team

July 26 - 28, 2024
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
For those unsure about drinking a full cup of silence or not able to schedule a longer time, this retreat provides a shorter version of our "Come to the Quiet" retreats. A dipper of silence may deepen your thirst for more.

Diffusions – Monastic Land Stewardship: Caring for the Earth in Troubled Times

With Jason M. Brown, Samuel Torvend, Brenna Cussen-Anglada, Douglas Burton and Sr. Carol Ann Wassmuth, OSB

August 10, 2024
This webinar series will focus on exploring the perspectives of contemplative and monastic communities on the ethics of care for the land. Through both historical and current examples, the speakers will discuss the relationship between the vow of stability and sense of place, the virtue of simplicity as an environmental ethic, work and prayer (Ora et Labora) as ecological theology, and Lectio Terra as embodied spirituality. The speakers will highlight the quiet environmental justice and conservation work that is happening on monastic lands all over North America.

Diffusions – Praying with the Desert Mothers : Desert as Idyllic Garden

With Dr. Samantha L. Miller

September 4, 2024
Looking closely at the sayings and lives of the desert saints, we think about their particular spiritual practices, what those practices lead to, and how we might imitate these practices in our own lives. Come see what our new friends can teach us about spiritual formation in this final part of our spring desert saints series!

Introduction to Centering Prayer

With Donna Kreiensieck and Marti Taylor

September 20 - 22, 2024
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
This weekend Centering Prayer retreat provides an introduction to the practice of Centering Prayer.  This retreat will provide the background and fundamentals of Centering Prayer and teach how to develop a continuing practice. During the retreat, one is held in prayer by the sisters of St. Gertrude’s Benedictine community located on the Camas Prairie in Central Idaho.  The Spirit Center offers a quiet setting to support your retreat; including private rooms with baths, meals, daily prayer with the sisters and/or Eucharist, hiking trails, museum and gift shop. “As silence deepens, it transforms into Divine Presence in contemplative prayer.  This pervasive…

A Watercolor Journey II

With Pearl Maxner

September 24 - 26, 2024
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
Surrounded by the prayer and peace of the Monastery of St. Gertrude, take the next step toward becoming a confident watercolorist. Revisit the basics techniques learned in "A Watercolor Journey" or similar beginner class and move forward to new skills.

Caregiver Writing Retreat

With Rebecca Brown

October 3 - 6, 2024
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
Like prayer, personal writing is a way of paying attention to ourselves and to our worlds.  Writing about care can help us process experiences, explore feelings and honor the people, places and events that have created us.  This retreat will offer a context in which to write our own short pieces about care - inclusive of caring for family, caring for the environment, caring for self, caring for the spirit, whatever that means. Come prepared to write, to share your work, if you would like, and to appreciate the work of your fellow retreatants in a gentle, supportive environment.  …

The Spiritual Discipline of Contemporary Iconography

With Kara Gillette

October 10 - 16, 2024
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
Throughout this 5-day retreat, instructor Kara Gillette will provide detailed instruction and guidance, as well as individual support. Participants will learn the art of iconography using a combination of traditional techniques and processes with the aid of modern materials such as acrylic paint and 23kt patent gold. 

Diffusions – Praying with the Desert Mothers : The Pearl of Great Price

With Dr. Samantha L. Miller

October 16, 2024
Looking closely at the sayings and lives of the desert saints, we think about their particular spiritual practices, what those practices lead to, and how we might imitate these practices in our own lives. Come see what our new friends can teach us about spiritual formation in this final part of our spring desert saints series!

Diffusions :: Living with Contradiction

With Tim Oberholzer

October 17, 2024 - January 16, 2025
This book discussion will follow Esther de Waal's Living with Contradiction: An Introduction to Benedictine Spirituality chapter-by-chapter. In this 12-week journey, our group will meet via 1 1/2 hour Zoom sessions, Thursdays, 6-7:30 pm (Pacific) 9-10:30 pm (Eastern), to share thoughts and impressions of each chapter.

Diffusions – Playing with Words: Benedict’s Little Rule for Beginners

With Tim Oberholzer

October 22, 2024
St. Benedict's "little rule written for beginners" invites us to grow in virtue through intentional living in the ordinariness of life. The text contains numerous themes to inspire and direct individuals and communities in the way of perfection. During these Zoom sessions, we will ponder the Rule of St. Benedict by "playing" with recurring words and themes.  Each month we will examine Benedict's weaving of a different word or theme through the Rule to gain an understanding of his intention and our application.

Redefining Retirement: A Spiritual Practice

With Sr. Barbara Jean Glodowski, OSB

October 22 - 24, 2024
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
Whether already retired or preparing for retirement, you can redefine the way you live into the second half of your life through an examination of the wisdom of Reb Zalman Schachter-Shalomi and Richard Johnson and the values of Benedictine spirituality. Explore the challenge with others on the journey.

An Attitude of Gratitude Yoga Retreat

With Kay Totten

November 5 - 7, 2024
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
November is a month when we naturally think of GRATITUDE as we near the time of Thanksgiving and the culmination of our summer and fall season activities.  This Yoga retreat will focus on our deep inner need to begin each day with an ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE using the key themes of:  LIGHT, WARMTH, ENDINGS, RESILIENCE, AND BEAUTY.

Don’t Tell Me What To Do: A Monastic Obedience Retreat

With Tim Oberholzer

November 15 - 17, 2024
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
People often share that they would be a good fit for monastic life, "if it wasn't for that obedience thing." What is "that obedience thing?" Why is obedience considered onerous? What about "blind obedience?" Isn't that equally problematic? Where is the virtue in obedience? Let's find out together. For St. Benedict, obedience is much more than “doing what someone tells you to do.” We will consider Benedictine obedience as listening, gift, and spontaneity. We will also look at the motivations for (or against) obedience. In the Rule, Benedict offers fear, desire, love, and conversion as motives for obedience.

Diffusions – Praying with the Desert Mothers : Humility and the Manifestation of Thoughts

With Dr. Samantha L. Miller

December 4, 2024
Looking closely at the sayings and lives of the desert saints, we think about their particular spiritual practices, what those practices lead to, and how we might imitate these practices in our own lives. Come see what our new friends can teach us about spiritual formation in this final part of our spring desert saints series!

Diffusions – Praying with the Desert Mothers : Penthos and Tears – Signs of Conversion

With Dr. Samantha L. Miller

February 5, 2025
Looking closely at the sayings and lives of the desert saints, we think about their particular spiritual practices, what those practices lead to, and how we might imitate these practices in our own lives. Come see what our new friends can teach us about spiritual formation in this final part of our spring desert saints series!

Diffusions – Praying with the Desert Mothers : The Hidden Life

With Dr. Samantha L. Miller

March 12, 2025
Looking closely at the sayings and lives of the desert saints, we think about their particular spiritual practices, what those practices lead to, and how we might imitate these practices in our own lives. Come see what our new friends can teach us about spiritual formation in this final part of our spring desert saints series!

Diffusions – Praying with the Desert Mothers : Prayer and Hospitality

With Dr. Samantha L. Miller

April 30, 2025
Looking closely at the sayings and lives of the desert saints, we think about their particular spiritual practices, what those practices lead to, and how we might imitate these practices in our own lives. Come see what our new friends can teach us about spiritual formation in this final part of our spring desert saints series!

Journaling: The Sanctuary of the Heart

With Cheryl Johnson and Tim Oberholzer

May 19 - 23, 2025
Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude
The Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude welcomes the monastery of your heart.  Here, the quest within and the world without join hands.  Prompts of the Spirit and their counterparts in key moments, find a voice in the sanctuary of your journal, the sanctuary of the heart.  Journaling, Joan Chittister says, is an “x-ray of your soul.”  It gets beneath our facades to the bone, blood, tissue, and the spiritual depths they house.  Journals are intimate explorings of the pain and beauty hidden in our exterior and interior landscapes.