Peace and Justice
By monastic profession, we, the Benedictine Sisters of the Monastery of St. Gertrude, commit ourselves to seeking God and God’s reign among us. Profession calls us to witness God’s love for the world, and impels us to work for justice according to the following principles of Catholic Social Justice teaching:

1. Human Dignity
Each person is endowed by God with human dignity and should be respected as a unique expression of the Divine.
2. The Call to Community and the Common Good
As a reflection of our Triune God, every human being depends upon and must contribute to the common good.
3. The Rights and Responsibilities of the Person
As an expression of the Living God, each person has a fundamental right to and responsibility for life and to that which makes life possible.
4. The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers
As an expression of our Creative God, each person has the right and responsibility to work productively in safe conditions for fair wages.
5. The Option for the Poor and Vulnerable
We are called to contribute to the good of the whole society, especially the poor and vulnerable. The whole society is strengthened when everyone is empowered to become an active participant in society.
6. Solidarity
Aware of our place in an interdependent world, we relate to all as members of one human family. Solidarity expresses the Church’s concern for world peace, global development and international human rights.
7. Care for Creation
As an expression of our Creative God, we recognize our interdependence with all creation and pledge to respect and care for it.
We do this in light of our mission statement to foster values of healing hospitality, creative peacemaking and grateful simplicity.
Incorporating These Principles Into Our Monastic Life
Under the leadership of our Social Justice Committee, we strive to deepen our awareness of peace and justice issues both locally and globally. In order to be more effective, we focus our common prayer and action on a specific issue chosen by the community. In addition, many of our Sisters and Oblates are involved in ministries that include peace making and works of justice.

5 Things You Can Do Now!
- Donate: Make a donation to the Idaho Food Bank –
- Organize: Organize a canned food drive for local families in need.
- Shop Responsibly: Buy Fair Trade/organic products.
- Reuse: Instead of using disposable bottles of water and coffee cups, invest in a reusable travel mug or drink bottle.
More Info About Peace & Justice
Please contact:
Sister Carol Ann Wassmuth, OSB