Reflection on the Feast of St. Gertrude

by Sister Mary Forman, Prioress Readings: Judges 6:36-40; Psalm 19:8-11; Ephesians 3:14-21; Matthew 15:21-28 Happy Feast of St. Gertrud! We will soon be moving into the seasons of Advent and Christmas.  In anticipation of Nativity, we heard in the reading at...

Innkeeping During a Pandemic

What do you do if you are an innkeeper but can’t accept guests? Our innkeeper Will Hunter reflects on the challenges and invitations of this strange...

Keeping the House

Housekeeping Team: Felecia Brailey, Sherry Buttenhoff, Ruth Greiner, Peggy Matson, and Donna Ross. When Peggy Matson applied to work at the Monastery in 1988, she was newly married and working at a local bar. Her mom’s best friend, Jeanette Nuxoll, worked in the St....

Coordinating a Major Renovation

Oblate Jo-Anne Zimmer is overseeing the historic renovation of the Annex. As a retired self-employed general contractor who spent her career in new construction and as a kitchen remodel specialist, she brings tremendous skills and experience to the work. Her arrival...

From the Prioress: The Beginning of Wisdom

Often when we hear the expression “fear of the Lord/God,” it conjures up images and experiences from our past of a God who is out to punish, who is on the watch to see if we are good, or who visits people with bad things if we are not good. Unfortunately, those images...

In Memoriam: Sister Bernadette Stang, OSB

August 15, 1935 ~ October 14, 2020   “If I can be in the stance of gratitude for all of life, the good and the bad, and for life itself, then I can’t help but be filled with joy.” Sister Bernadette Stang, OSB, was born into eternal life at 9:52 p.m. on October...