The Grotto Garden

A place filled with prayer
“…and may he bring us all together…” – Rule of St. Benedict
Honoring a Legacy
The Grotto Garden honors deceased benefactors who have made a planned gift of $10,000 or more. From the Grotto begins a path that moves up the forested hillside toward the cemetery. Along the path are stones engraved with the names of those who have helped sustain the future of the Center of Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude. Stones may also be placed in memory of a loved one. Although this is not a cemetery, cremated remains may be placed here.
Contact the Development Office at 208-962-5060 to discuss these memorial options.
Read more about the Grotto
The Benedictine Sisters of the Monastery of St. Gertrude have been praying and ministering on this land for more than 100 years.
They have never been alone on this journey, however. From the beginning, friends, volunteers, employees, and eventually oblates (lay members) joined the Sisters in living the Rule of St. Benedict and meeting the needs of the times.
Many partners in ministry invest in the future of the Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude through legacy giving. Devoted donors help support many ministries that continue to respond to the needs of the times: the deepening imperative for places of authentic faith, hospitality, stability, spiritual renewal, and cultural enrichment.
Immersed in nature and in view of the vibrant monastery campus, we remember and honor those who have supported us in ever meeting the needs of the times.
To learn more and request an information packet about participating in the Grotto Garden for you or to honor a loved one, call 208-962-5060 or email
The Grotto Garden is open April 1 through November 2, weather permitting.
“I have chosen to support St. Gertrude’s with a legacy gift because of the rich blessing I receive each time I visit and which continues to reverberate within when I return to my home. I want the ‘domino effect’ of blessings coming from St. Gertrude’s to bless many more in the future.”