Suggested Donation
  • Lenten Yoga Journey - 1 person – $310.00
  • Lenten Yoga Journey - 2 people – $540.00
  • Lenten Yoga Journey - Commuter – $135.00

The suggested donation is the minimal amount needed to help us meet expenses. Those blessed with more may wish to contribute more and those who have less may give less.

Date & Time Details: Arrive between 1:30 - 5:00 pm.
Supper is served at 5:30 pm.
The first session begins at 7:00 pm.
The final session concludes before 11:30 am.
Depart at 1:00 pm after midday dinner.

Location: Spirit Center at the Monastery of St. Gertrude

Address: 465 Keuterville Rd.Cottonwood, ID, 83522

Contact: Sr. Betty Schumacher, OSB

Please register by: July 21, 2025

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Yoga as a Tool to Invite Ourselves Into the Gifts of Summer

With Kay Totten

July 25 - 27, 2025

We will explore the unique gifts of summer (light, growth, arrival, flow, and balance) through the practice of yoga.  Yoga is a form of body prayer rich with possibilities that are far beyond the physical realm.  All levels welcome.


Kay Totten
I became interested in Yoga in my “later” years because (like many) I noticed a decline in my flexibility and balance. I also noticed an increasing challenge in remaining centered in my prayer life as well. What I was to learn through my exposure to Yoga was that it could be the beginning of a rich and fruitful spiritual journey as well. This led to my search for (and graduation from) an accredited Christian Yoga program (Yahweh Christian Yoga Academy). I have been blessed to be a “Yoga guide” for others in their own search for wholeness of body, mind,…
Learn more about Kay Totten