Douglas Burton-Christie

Douglas E. Christie received his undergraduate degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz, his M.A. from Oxford University and his Ph.D. from the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley. He has been awarded fellowships from the Luce Foundation, the Lilly Foundation and the NEH. From 2013-2015 he served as Co-director of the Casa de la Mateada study abroad program in Córdoba, Argentina. His primary research interests focus on contemplative thought and practice in ancient and medieval Christianity and on spirituality and ecology. He is the author of The Word in The Desert: Scripture and the Quest for Holiness in Early Christian Monasticism (Oxford), The Blue Sapphire of the Mind: Note for a Contemplative Ecology (Oxford), and is the founding editor of Spiritus: A Journal of Christian Spirituality (Johns Hopkins). His work has appeared in The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality, The Cambridge Companion to Christian Mysticism, Horizons, Cross Currents, The Anglican Theological Review, Weavings, Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and the Environment, Cistercian Studies Quarterly, Studia Patristica, The Best Spiritual Writing, and Orion. His current work is focused on the idea of mystical darkness and the contemporary sense of exile, loss and emptiness.

Events with Douglas Burton-Christie

Diffusions - Monastic Land Stewardship: Caring for the Earth in Troubled Times
June 8 - August 10, 2024

The Center for Benedictine Life would like to invite you to participate in a Zoom webinar series that will focus on exploring the perspectives of contemplative and monastic communities on the ethics of care for the land. Through both historical and current examples, the speakers will discuss the relationship between the vow of stability and sense of place, the virtue of simplicity as an environmental ethic, work and prayer (Ora et Labora) as ecological theology, and Lectio Terra as embodied spirituality. The speakers will highlight the quiet environmental justice and conservation work that is happening on monastic lands all over…