Support the Monastery

The Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude welcomes people of all faiths to share the ministries, community, and this sacred place. Richly connected through prayer, the extensive network of people who generously support our mission with their time, talent and financial support add to the vibrance of our mission.
As a canonical community of papal jurisdiction, no financial support is received from the Diocese of Boise or the Catholic Church. A non-profit, 501(c)3 organization, the Center for Benedictine Life is supported by the Sisters’ ministries — both at home and on mission — and generous donations. All gifts enable us to fulfill our mission, sustain our dynamic ministries, provide care for our sisters, as well as steward and preserve our buildings and grounds.
other ways to donate
Contact the Mission Advancement Office at 208-962-5060 to discuss these donation options or email
Honor a Legacy in the Grotto Garden
The Grotto Garden provides a space to honor deceased benefactors who have made a planned gift of $10,000 or more. From the Grotto on the hill above the monastery, a path winds through the forest toward the cemetery. Along the path, stones are placed, engraved with the names of those who have helped sustain the future of the Center of Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude. Stones may also be placed in memory of a loved one. Although not a cemetery, cremated remains may be placed with the stone, as well.
The Grotto Garden is open April 1 through November 2, weather permitting.
Legacy Gifts
Leaving a Legacy
Each day, you share your values and vision, your unique joy and gifts that radiate outward in ways that will outlast your physical lifetime.
Leaving a legacy gift to the Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude allows you to also extend your values through this sacred place that is always answering the world’s need for prayer, hospitality, beauty, and healing in dynamic ways. Your influence amplifies to help inspire and sustain the Center for Benedictine Life.
As with most things in life, the decisions you make now can greatly affect the future. There are many ways you can designate a legacy gift today, while still having the flexibility to respond to whatever life may hold tomorrow.
Benefits of Making a Planned Gift
• Naming the Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude through a bequest in your will or living trust costs nothing now, as the asset you donate goes to the Center for Benedictine Life only at your death.
• With most gifts, you can change your mind at any time. You are not locked into a decision you make today.
• There is no minimum gift required. Every gift makes a difference.
• Your gift ensures your lasting legacy and sustains the Center for Benedictine Life haven of Benedictine spirituality for generations to come.
• Deceased benefactors who have made a planned gift of $10,000 or more are honored with a stone in the Grotto Garden.
Common Ways to Designate a Legacy Gift (Gifts by Bequest)
It’s simple – you name the Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude as a beneficiary in your will or living trust, designating the gift of your choice. Or, request a change of beneficiary form from the company holding your assets and include us as a full or partial beneficiary. You maintain complete control of your assets during your lifetime.
Contact us at 208-962-5060 to discuss options.
Join the Zumstein Legacy Circle
Those who make a commitment to the future of the Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude through a legacy gift are known as the Zumstein Legacy Circle, in honor of Mother Johanna Zumstein — the faithful and courageous founder of St. Gertrude’s. Legacy gifts ensure her vision, along with the shared values and ministries of the monastery endure. Members of the Zumstein Legacy Circle receive recognition in our annual stewardship report. and during our annual appreciation day.
Contact us at 208-962-5060 to request more information.
Named Funds
One person can truly make a difference.
There are people in our lives who have made all the difference. They have given us courage, inspired us to shine more brightly, embodied values we aspire to and, more than anything, given us hope.
Creating a Named Fund in honor or memory of someone celebrates that person’s profound influence. That person’s influence is amplified through a Named Fund at the Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude, and inspires and sustains a place of hope, peace, and transformation.
A Named Fund can also be established as a family fund to demonstrate your family’s commitment to the Center for Benedictine Life.
Together, we are the Monastery.
• Named Funds are established within the Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude Sustainability Endowment Fund to provide long-term operational support.
• A minimum of $25,000 will establish a permanent Named Fund through a pledged donation, to be completed within a four-year period.
• Recognition of the Named Fund begins after completion of the initial minimum gift.
• You and others may continue to make gifts to the Named Fund. Some donors choose to add to their Named Fund on the individual’s birthday, anniversary, or special event.
book & gift shop
The Center for Benedictine Life at the Monastery of St. Gertrude is delighted to offer many monastery-made gifts and books written by Sisters. We hope your journeys bring you to the Book & Gift Shop at the Welcome Center in the Historical Museum at St. Gertrude, where you’ll find many books on spirituality and local history, hand-crafted items, and much more.