Monasticism, Arts, Vocation

by Sister Teresa Jackson A few years ago, if anyone had asked me, “what does art have to do with monasticism,” I probably would have pondered it for a split second and said, “uh…nothing?” And, I probably would not have been alone in that response. At first glance the...

A Reflection from the Prioress: Piety

Piety, from the Latin word pietas, which initially meant “responsibility,” “duty and devotion,” “implies…fidelity, reverence, obedience, and commitment.” Piety in the Bible means godliness (eusebia) in the Greek New Testament and is akin to the Hebrew hesed in the...

St. Gertrude’s L.I.V.E.~Who Lives Here

St. Gertrude’s L.I.V.E. > Who Lives Here Who Lives here: A Workshop on Character Development in Prose Storytelling 9 – 11 a.m. Pacific Time, Saturday, May 29, via Zoom, with Peter Chilson At Cornell University in 1919, E.B. White, the poet and novelist...

Reflections During the Easter Vigil

on the Gospel of Mark 16:1-8—April 3, 2021 by Sister Mary Forman, Prioress As I pondered our Gospel story this past week, what stayed with me were the words of the women, who are the first to go to the tomb, presumably to anoint the body of Jesus:  “‘Who will...

Easter Liturgies Livestreaming

We will livestream Holy Week liturgies from our Facebook page: Holy Thursday Mass at 7:30 p.m., Good Friday Service at 3 p.m., Saturday night Easter Vigil at 7:30 p.m., and Easter Sunday Mass at 11:30 a.m. Times are Pacific. Our chapel is closed to in-person guests at...